Sunday, 19 January 2014

How Small Business Voip Phone Systems Can Help Increase Productivity

By Judy Sullivan

Smaller companies often struggle to survive when global economic prospects are poor. They simply do not have the resources to carry them through bad times. They are therefore forced to adopt stringent measures to save money but at the same time they simply cannot allow their service levels to drop. One of the best ways in which to save money whilst increasing productivity is to move to internet based communication. Small business VoIP phone systems are becoming increasingly popular.

There are many good reasons why so many companies are contemplating a move to internet based communication. Such a move needs careful consideration because no enterprise can survive without efficient communication. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that internet based communication offers users features and flexibility that simply cannot be matched by a PBX solution. In addition, they are easy to manage.

Users love the fact that internet based communication can be scaled to fit the needs of the company exactly. One central system is installed and from there new users, sites, branches and departments ca be added or removed as the needs of the company changes. The central system can serve multiple sites, even if they are geographically removed from each other.

Another aspect of internet based communication that continues to thrill users is the flexibility that they enjoy. An employee can use the system wherever he or she is. They can use a variety of devices, including tablets, laptop computers and smart phones to do so. They can even access the system from home. This can certainly lead to increased productivity and higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Of course, the biggest advantage enjoyed by users of internet communication is that they are able to achieve substantial savings. Many companies have reported savings of up to fifty per cent. Savings are also achieved because there is no requirement for a telephone operator at every site or department and because there are no multiple installations of the system.

Most companies that move to the internet quickly realize that they can achieve substantial additional savings on maintenance. A traditional PBX is maintained by highly skilled and expensive technicians and there are normally a number of separate systems that needs constant maintenance. Internet communication, however, are mainly maintained by the service provider. At the same time clients enjoy constant upgrades and they always have access to the latest technology and innovations.

Users that have been impressed with the features offered by their traditional PBX system is in for a surprise when the switch to internet based communication. They will continue to enjoy all the features that they are used to, but they will also gain access to advanced features such as voice to email, fax to email and the ability to forward calls anywhere within reach of the system, regardless of the physical location of the user.

There can be no doubt that small business VoIP phone systems can save companies money while helping to increase productivity. These systems can be a valuable tool in becoming more competitive. One of the main reasons this is so is that employees can afford to become more mobile and they can therefore offer their clients better service.

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