Friday, 10 January 2014

Create Ads On Facebook

By Joe Burke

Leveraging your following on Facebook is a great way to advertise your products or services. Taking it to the next level, you might consider placing Facebook ads which is a great way to generate addition money and prospects for your business.

If you've done advertising with Google Adsense or any other form of direct advertising, your probably well aware that knowing exactly who you want to market to is vital. Targeted ads utilizing Facebook or Adsense can be (and are if done correctly) a very effective way to grow your cash flow and get qualified leads. The flip side however is, if you do it wrong, you can easily lose your advertising investment.

FaceBook Ads Can Be Very Profitable - If You Properly Research Your Target Demographics

Understand your Target Market

Facebook's large demographic information is, in some regards, much better than that of Google Adsense. With Facebook, you can easily pin-down exactly who your looking for based on location, age, sex, education, current employment, etc. They are regarded as demographic bins, and if you take your time looking through them, you can find exactly who your looking for within the millimeter.

If you have a very good idea who your target audience is, you might want to employ automated bid software that's been designed specifically for helping FaceBook advertisers. More research will find the one that will work best for you.

Creating Your First FaceBook Ads is Easier Than You Think

Advertising is a form of art. Creating a banner is vital to advertising, and it isn't difficult, however, you should know what colors to use, how to place your logo, how big it should be, etc. The advertisements you make should be very "to-the-point," a single graphic, and a few carefully chosen words.

If your not willing to risk doing the banner design yourself or you don't have the time for it, you can always hire a professional. The quality of the advertisement will tell the world about your business in more ways than one, so make it count.

You should also consider having a number of different ads, even if they portray the same message. Rotating the advertisements out with one another will keep your page fresh and new and will give your visitor something different to look at, should they come back again. Keep your Facebook page as interactive and thrilling as possible - the people who see it then will want to share it with friends, and those friends will share with more friends. See where that could lead?

Click through rates on Facebook are low, so in order to attract the people you want to attract, your advertisements need to be flashy and changing to make sure they aren't overlooked.

If you wouldn't want to click on your own ad - who else will?

Once Your Advertisement is LIVE on FaceBook

Are You Watching Closely?

You should have planned to spend about half an hour every day answering comments and creating new content for your FaceBook page or fan page. And when you use your time effectively a portion of it can go into learning more about the FaceBook market.

As you answer comments and engage your audience, you'll know more about the unique thoughts of your audience and can help you to really fine-tune your ads.

Be sure to run your advertisements with some tracking software. Know how many clicks your getting, know how many clicks are converting to sales, and know if your advertising dollars are spent well or not.

Friends of Connections

An average person on Facebook has around 130 friends, so if you have 130 followers for your business, that's nearly 17,000 people your reaching by targeting the friends of those connections. Keep in mind, however, that not all of them will be exactly the type of demographic you'll be looking for, so it's absolutely essential to monitor the results.

If your running ads on Facebook for the very first time, do not use the CPM option, but rather use cost per click (CPC).

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