Saturday 8 March 2014

2014 Trends For Off-Page SEO

By Yaha Jones

SEO is a fast paced and changing pursuit, keeping ahead of the curve can be challenging, but is terribly important. We've done our research and have compiled some of the emerging Off-Page SEO Trends for 2014.

Conversion Rate Optimization - Don't overlook this! An important aspect of selling products and services online is providing your visitors with unique and compelling content, and also directing them to an effective sales funnel.

Social Media will still be a strong influencer of SEO performance, yet it's important to know that both Twitter and Facebook are being more stringent about what data is released to third party engines. There are also rumors that Facebook may soon be entering the Search Engine arena - stay on top those developments.

Google+ - It's no surprise that Google+ is quickly becoming a powerful player in the process of utilizing effective keywords. Taking advantage of clicks from Google+ to bring you more clients is a smart move, as Google+ is seeing huge spikes in traffic, that are SEO integrated.

To get to the crux of the matter, all of the factors that go into ranking web pages rely upon trust, quality, and authority. This is really what Google has set out to do in the first place, is to give the searcher what he or she is really looking for. Up to now, there has been an unwritten (and written) strategy to "trick" Google into ranking our site.

ROI and Backlinks - Creating good back-links now requires so much more than just spamming your brand across the web. You want relevant links, so don't link to your cooking website on a boxing forum! Page Ranking - The importance of Page Rankings has also become more important. Page rank is important to every business, large or small. In general your page rank is the rating your website has earned in regards to it's quality and content.

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