Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Promoting Your Business Using Article Marketing

By Manny Rutz

Article marketing can be a very effective way to promote your website and attract more visitors. However over the past few years article marketing has changed a lot because search engines are not considering article networks as trusted sites. In the past article marketing was used for seo purposes, in this article we are going to talk about how to use it to generate more traffic for your websites.

It's no secret that content is everything, the more content you have online the more chances you have of people finding your content. Content can be in the form of videos, blogs and articles.In this care there are still many popular article networks that still generate a ton of traffic online. Some examples are, and you can find many others by searching on Google.

As soon as you are done writing and submitting your article to a directory we recommend that the first thing you do is share that article on social networks like Twitter and Facebook. This will allow you to get an initial boost of traffic which can result in you getting featured in the homepage of your chosen article directory.

The goal with your article marketing strategy is simply to create trust with your readers. If they like your content they might look for more of your content. Which is why is always a good idea to post a link to a video, blog or another article it might be helpful to your reader.

Article marketing takes time but remember if you have the resources to outsource this you can find tons of places to buy quality articles that you can submit to top article directories. With patience and hard work you can be generating tons of targeted visitors to any website you want. We hope these tips gave you an idea on what your next step should be.

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