Saturday, 20 April 2019

The Long Island SEO Causes Of 404 Error Pages

By Arthur Williams

Is your website not ranking as you'd like it to? If not, it's possible that the cause is a collection of 404 error pages. These are more common than you think, but the fact that they can harm Long Island SEO efforts shouldn't be ignored. Fortunately, you're not without help. Sometimes, a bit of insight goes a long way. Here are some of the most common causes of 404 error pages and how you can overcome them.

When it comes to the triggers of 404 error pages, removal of internal pages should be noted. Reputable names along the lines of will tell you that when links direct users to pages that don't exist, 404 errors take their place. This means that the users in question won't be able to find the information they're looking for. Such an event can be detrimental to SEO as well, which is why it's even more important to change links over time if need be.

What if you're planning on redesigning or revamping your website as a whole? This may include certain URLs being changed, which could be where 404 error pages develop as well. Links associated with these URLs should be changed as well to ensure that they remain stable. Broken links are detrimental to SEO, to say the least, so ensuring that there are as few of them on your site as possible is paramount.

These are just a few causes associated with 404 error pages, but you should know what to do if they arise. First, try to refresh your browser. It's possible that your site simply failed to function at that particular moment, which isn't unheard of. If you're still seeing the same problem, then you're going to have to do more extensive work. This may be where the assistance of a Long Island SEO company will prove beneficial for you.

It's also important to note any traces of malware that your website may have. Even the most minute traces can cause problems, not only in regard to performance but any information that's submitted or sent out, which is why website owners should be wise to run malware scans. In most cases, if the proper security measures are implemented, nothing will come up. If malware proves to be the culprit, however, clearing it entirely should be treated with the utmost urgency.

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