Tuesday, 12 March 2019

3 Keyword Density Guidelines Long Island SEO Experts Follow

By Arthur Williams

Anyone that works in Long Island SEO will tell you that keywords are paramount. If your content or copy fail to feature terms that you'd like to rank for, regardless of the search engine you have in mind, then you're unlikely to see progress. One of the ways to get seen is by learning about keyword density. For those that are unfamiliar with this term, and would like to know what it entails, the following information may prove insightful.

If you're unfamiliar with keyword density, it's essentially the number of times specific keywords are used in content. Such content ranges from news articles to blog posts, and this density will vary depending on length as well. For example, if you write a 250-word blog post, and you use a keyword 10 times, the keyword density would be 4 percent. To get the most out of this as possible, here are 3 rules that should be adhered to.

One of the ways to achieve the perfect keyword density, according to companies like fishbat, is by being mindful of how many times certain terms are used. While there is no set rule, when it comes to this, many writers tend to keep things below 3 percent. The reason for this is to allow content to flow as naturally as possible. This cannot be done if keywords are too prevalent, so use desired keywords sparingly.

Smart keyword placement should be taken into account, too. With only so many opportunities to use specific terms, it's wise to get the most out of them as possible. You can do this by first placing your keyword in the title of the content you're producing. Next, insert the keyword in question in the body of the text. These steps may seem simple on the surface, but rest assured that they will make all the difference in terms of your content's keyword density.

Lastly, no matter how much you may be set on using specific keywords, it's important to note that the quality of your content remains the priority. After all, if you don't create content that your audience finds value in, your efforts won't be worthwhile. Focus on what your audience is looking for. By understanding what they want, you will be able to provide value to them, resulting in better content in general.

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