Friday, 26 May 2017

The Various Impacts Of Madagascar Minerals

By Raymond Myers

The world could not have been where it is without the positive impacts of minerals. The blessings of oil are very evident in Dubai, Qatar and Saudi Arabia among other Middle Eastern countries. Dubai was once a backwater, before the invention of oil. Presently, it is a leading port city and financial center. The Madagascan Island is no exception. This archipelago does not have oil but it has other Madagascar minerals, spread all over the country. Oil and natural gas are not the only resources that can make people rich. Mineral deposits in Madagascar have attracted many investors.

The economic impacts of mining in the Madagascan islands have been well noted. Many economists have written and spoken about them. Mining activities make the country to earn a lot of income. Mining is the chief foreign exchange earner of this Indian Ocean Island. The income earned from mining is used to pay government employees and to run the different government projects.

Mining has had an impact on different classes of people. It has impacted the rich, middle income earners and also the poor. Some people have been able to conquer poverty as a result of being involved in mining activities. It is true that some of the rich Madagascans have grown richer due to the fact that they own mining companies.

The Madagascan GDP has been positively impacted by mining. This country used to have a small GDP that placed it among the least wealthy countries in Africa. That will not be the case in the next decade or two because the Madagascan GDP is growing at a very fast rate. That has led to the rise in per capita income.

Foreign direct investments are coming to Madagascar at a rate never seen before. People are planning in foreign capitals how they can invest in the mineral sector of this county. For any country to develop and attain high income status there is need for investments from foreigners. A closed economy will soon fail. Free market is a good economic system.

Investors are not bringing their money to the Madagascan economy just because of the presence of minerals. Many other countries in Africa have far greater mineral wealth but investors are shunning them. That is because this nation is more politically and economically stable than such countries. In some African countries, money can be lost in a bank. Madagascar has secure banks with great deposit protections.

Due to the rise of the mineral sector, other sectors are rising as well. In any economy, there is interdependence. Thus, when one industry grows, the others grow as well. When there is economic failure in one sector, it can easily spread to other economic sectors. Mining is dependent on efficient logistics, secure IT systems, and good financial institutions.

The Madagascan society is undergoing a great transformation. The country is transitioning to middle income status and it is all because of the abundance of natural resources. Such resources when well managed will definitely result to positive societal impacts. Of course, they make the economy to grow and that results to higher living standards among other matters. There are also social impacts.

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