Tuesday 17 September 2013

Managing A Reputable News Website Can Be Easier Than You Think

By Billy Maso

All successful latest news information sites rely on online promotion and search engine optimization to draw in visitors. A beautifully designed website with great copy is completely useless unless people know the site exists. Use search engine optimization and online marketing in conjunction to draw in more visitors to your website, which will also maximize your business' revenue.

Put pictures of your actual office room, or building on your latest news information site, to make your business look very real. The more real it is, the more attached the viewers will get to you, and the more attached they get to you, more the possibility of them trusting you.

Drop in on your site frequently to validate the uptime from your server provider. If you are noticing too much downtime on your site, switch to a new site host provider without delay. Any downtime, even if it is a minimal amount results in loss of customers and potentially revenue, as well as an adverse effect on your overall site traffic.

If you include forms on your site - such as contact or questionnaire forms - make sure that each box is clearly labeled to prevent confusion. Your visitors shouldn't have to guess as to what information is supposed to go into which box! Keep it simple, and your visitors will stick around to finish the form.

Utilize the different benefits of posting on social bookmarking sites as much as possible. You can write informative and high quality articles and seed them on these sites to bring more prospective consumers to your site.

If your site is offering area of a member, your visitors, who are registered already, must know about their signing in. An effective tip can be providing link to a page where your users can be signed up and one other link for signing on a page. User's name and logout link must be mentioned on the top of right hand side.

Add your site to all the major web directories. This will engender traffic right from the directories themselves and will also help to progress your link popularity. That helps you win on Google to get more visitors.

Make sure your home page has relevant, useful information - and links to pages that answer your visitors' most common questions. People come to your latest news information site to solve a problem or concern they've got, or they're looking for information. Either way, you want them to have the information they need up front so they don't go elsewhere.

Use the two click rule when designing your site. From the home page, a user should never be more than two clicks away from the content they are seeking. Any more than that and the user may get bored or confused and move on.

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