Saturday, 8 September 2018

Long Island SEO: The Do's And Don'ts Realtors Should Know

By Arthur Williams

Real estate is one of the most bustling industries in the world. Everything from homes to office space is in high demand, which means that realtors have to craft their business strategies so that they are as effective as possible. One of the ways to do this is by investing in Long Island SEO. Search engine optimization goes a long way in online business and here are a few do's and don'ts to know so that your business finds success.

To get your real estate business found online, you must take advantage of as many platforms as possible. While your mind may immediately go to Facebook, LinkedIn, and what have you, there are other platforms that are more business-oriented. Yelp, for example, will help boost your Long Island SEO by allowing you to present your business information. This is just one of the many platforms that companies such as fishbat will tell you to use.

Another way to succeed in SEO is by keeping your keyword collection as diverse as possible. While you may be focused on smaller terms like "real estate" due to their search volume, long-tail keywords can be just as invaluable. Let's say that you work in Tampa; in this scenario, you may want to include "Florida realtors" in your keyword collection. The more terms that you included, provided they're relevant to your business, the better your SEO results will be.

There are ways that SEO can go wrong, however, so let's begin with linking. To be more specific, you shouldn't simply create any links that you desire. One of the reasons for this is that you may run into a saturation problem. If you end up creating too many links that direct people back to your site, it can have a negative impact on your existing SEO efforts. A diverse link profile goes a long way, so make it a point to obtain links from different websites. The more reputable said sites are, the better their links tend to be.

It's also possible to create content that, simply put, doesn't put the user first. As search engines become more advanced, the focus on the user experience becomes that much sharper. Instead of writing content for said search engines, you should write for people instead. What this means is that you should focus on the quality of your content. Whether you're writing about the news or providing tips to your user base, your audience must come first.

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