Saturday, 1 April 2017

Social Media Do's & Don'ts, From Long Island SEO Agencies

By Rob Sutter

Social media has grown from being a communication resource to an integral part of our lives. It's easy to see why, as most people are active on some social channel or another. Whether you enjoy Facebook, Twitter or a mix of platforms, they can be used better than you might already be doing. How can this be done, you may wonder? Long Island SEO agencies may be able to help. Here are just a few social media do's & don'ts that you should be aware of.

DO create content that's relevant to your brand. While people may know about your brand and what it has to offer, you should still build up your social media channels with relevant content. Make sure that you create and share material that your audience will find yourself. Let's say that you're selling chocolate; maybe you can create posts detailing recipes that can be made with your products. Relevant social media posts matter, as you'll come to learn.

DON'T limit yourself. You might have your sights focused on only the biggest platforms - Facebook arguably rules the roost, in this respect - but this doesn't mean that you should limit yourself. As a matter of fact, Long Island SEO agencies will stress the importance of creating accounts across different sites. According to companies like fishbat, by doing so, you'll be able to expand your audience.

DO be mindful about your social media schedule. Even though posting on social media is a given, what you may not know is that a consistent schedule matters. Let's say that you'd like to tweet only a few times a day. If this is the case, you want to make sure that this schedule is maintained. Falling off the wagon, in this respect, can result in you losing social traction. Anyone that uses the channels mentioned earlier will tell you the same.

DON'T forget to engage your audience. While posting content on social media is important, what's just as vital is engaging your audience on a routine basis. It doesn't matter if they have questions or simply wish to leave their comments. Engaging the men and women that are fans of yours will ensure that they stick around. When they feel like they're being addressed like people, they trust brands more than they would have otherwise.

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