Tuesday 11 April 2017

Does Tumblr Have Long Island SEO Benefits?

By Paula Hess

If you think that Tumblr is only a microblogging platform, you'd be mistaken. You may not know this, but there are ways that you can use said platform for the sake of Long Island SEO. Search engine optimization matters, but it can only be done well if you understand the tools that you're using. In order to get the most out of Tumblr, for the sake of SEO, here are a few details that you'd be wise to remember.

First and foremost, make sure that you have a general understanding of HTML. The reason for this, according to the likes of www.fishbat.com, is that Tumblr actually allows you to go into your blog's code and edit it in various ways. One of the most important steps is to edit your meta tags so that they perform better in search. The richer they are in terms of keywords and relevant phrases, the better your SEO efforts will become.

Long Island SEO experts can testify to the notion that Tumblr blogs are nothing without content. You want your brand to rank, which is understandable, but it won't happen unless you have enough content for your followers to regularly consume. When they see value in your blog, not only will they stick around but you'll actually gain more followers in the future. As a result, you'll see greater results from an SEO standpoint.

Finally, you shouldn't stick to one form of content, especially if you have the means to diversify things. You might be partial to long-form posts, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't create GIFS, which are incredibly popular on Tumblr. These may not have a direct SEO result, but it helps to keep your blog more varied, meaning that it will bring in more people. Over the course of time, it's safe to say that this will have a positive impact.

Tumblr may be seen as a treasure trove of GIFS and other funny types of media, but it can be so much more than that. SEO is an often overlooked aspect of this social media network, which shouldn't be the case. If you know how to use this platform well, you'll be able to see higher rankings in the long term. Despite how simple Tumblr may appear on the surface, there are different complexities that make it one of a kind.

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