Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Long Island SEO: What Is Twitter's New Explore Tab?

By Arthur Williams

There are countless tweets, which I'm sure anyone that uses Twitter on a regular basis will tell you. However, it can be difficult to find one that you believe will be worthwhile. It seems like the aforementioned social media mogul is making this easier, though, which brings us to its new Explore tab. If you're curious to know what this is, including the features it brings to the table, here is what Long Island SEO specialists can tell you.

The Explore tab, for those not in the know, is a feature that's available on mobile Twitter. It offers a number of features, some potentially standing out to you more than others. For the sake of argument, let's say that you want to see which topics are most popular on Twitter at any moment. This is where the Trending subject comes into play. Such an example is just one of many that Long Island SEO experts can detail.

While you might think that the Explore tab has replaced the Moments section, you'd be wrong. The Moments section, which compiles a number of tweets that are deemed valuable or important, can be found under the aforementioned tab. What this means, according to the likes of, is that you're not missing out on anything. It's simply located in a different spot for your consumption.

It's not just tweets that you'll find under the Explore tab, either. As video content becomes more and more prominent on the Internet, you'll be able to discover more videos that have been circulating as well. What this means is that your searches will be more varied, spanning various types of content that you'll be able to consume. Needless to say, Explore doesn't confine matters. In fact, it only makes social media more exciting.

These are just a few details to consider when talking about Twitter's Explore section. Without question, it has a number of features that any Twitter could find useful. However, it's not like growth has to stop here. I believe that if enough people use Explore and, more importantly, notice the potential it has to offer, it will become a more fleshed-out feature. Until then, the potential it has for now is worth commending.

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