Saturday, 23 November 2013

Does Income With Jamie Really Work? - Review

By Grayson Hyde

By now, you have probably already seen affiliate marketing coach Jamie Lewis's introductory video to his latest training program. The first thing that strikes people who visit see the video is the genuinity of Jamie, who unlike most other internet 'gurus', does not start by showing off his fancy cars and houses. Even before testing Jamie's newest methods, I have been a member of Jamie's training programs and have always been able to pick up cutting edge methods from him. With this new program, he has input it with the necessary updates to be competitive in today's affiliate marketing business.

1. How Are Beta-Testers Making Money with the Income with Jamie Program?

Jamie's newest techniques are designed to large the high ticket items to generate higher commission amounts without going through the process of product creation. However, he does discourage people from depending on their own products to sell. He says that for a beginner to get off flying, the affiliate route is the best. With this route, many problems which beginners have to be subjected to are bypassed. For instance, they do not have to manage joint venture relations, handle customer service or even process payments as would be necessary if they were handling their own small business.

2. What Can Members of Income with Jamie Find Inside the Training Program and Membership Area?

This program contains 24 weeks of webinars that deliver live personalized training. Inside the program, users can take advantage of free traffic generation methods that Jamie teaches. In order to help members with the training, Jamie also offers personalized consultations. As to how much a student can make is really up to him or her. Generally, the more sophisticated techniques that are used, the higher the traffic and hence commissions that a person can get.The objective of the program when it concludes is to equip learners with techniques that can enable them to build their own online-marketing businesses and at the same time, get those ventures up and running profitably.

3. Who is the Coach, Jamie Lewis, and Can You Really Trust Him?

If you have some experience with affiliate marketing, then surely you know Jamie Lewis or at the very least, you must have heard of his name. Well known for his support to the community and cutting edge methods, he can be seen hanging around discussion forums and sharing his latest traffic techniques and results with the rest of us. Once a member of Income with Jamie, I have been able to receiving coaching when I needed it, and always feel that I have a helping hand to reach out to whenever I feel stuck at doing something.

4. Some Valuable Skills I Have Picked Up from Income With Jamie Already

In only the early days of this training program's launch, I am happy to say that I have already picked up lots of free online marketing techniques that generate commissions. The specific techniques I am talking about are things like flipping sites for money, setting up profitable blogs, YouTube video marketing as well as social media marketing. Another very valuable yet seldom talked about skill is that of outsourcing which Jamie discusses extensively in his course. It involves getting someone to do those time-consuming chores but at a much lower fee.

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