Sunday, 20 October 2013

What To Know About The Best Identity Theft Protection

By Elena McDowell

Identity theft is a crime. This involves stealing and using identity of another person without he or she having consent to do so. Usually this behavior is done in order to access credit and other resources. Using the best identity theft protection is recommended and a major priority for many people, as victims can face consequences for the criminal acts of thieves.

This kind of theft involves taking the name, social security number, credit card information, identification number or other personal info from an individual without permission. Usually this is done to commit crimes, including fraud. Most of the time, victims are not aware of the activity until a lot of damage has been done to ruin their financial status and identity.

There has been an increase in this type of theft in recent times. Some of the most common ways for thieves to get access to sensitive info is through hacking unsecure wireless networks or computers, email or phone scams, receipts or documents found in trash, or stolen credit cards or wallets. Once they gain access to this information they are able to purchase items, open new cards and even file for tax returns under your name.

There are numerous ways an individual can keep this type of personal information secure. Some of the tips and techniques related to protection are only available for a fee through programs or professionals. Luckily there are resources that offer free information that can help individuals safeguard their personal information.

Because a lot of personal matters and activities are done through the computer and Internet, Individuals are strongly encouraged to make strong passwords and change them frequently. Avoid easy-to-guess or common passwords, such as name of pets, work or school name, maiden name of mother and birth date. A safe password includes at least one character or numeric and a few capital letters. Change the password from time to time.

Individuals are also encouraged to be cautious of the information that they share on social media websites and other online spaces. A lot of information that is personal is shared on these sites and can be used by thieves to authenticate identities. Avoid posting your birth place, address, SSN, phone numbers or birth date on these websites.

Likewise, keep financial documents and sensitive personal info secure. Many people store this type of information on their computers and those who do should make sure their computer is properly protected with anti-spyware, anti-virus and a firewall. Physical documentation with sensitive information should be shredded if being disposed of. Other important things to do: protect your mobile device, frequently check your credit report and do not fall for scams.

If you think that your personal information has been stolen, be sure to put a hold on important accounts, change all passwords and officially file a complaint. Even individuals using the best identity theft protection techniques are subject to this situation. There are a lot of free resources available to those interested in safeguarding their information from thieves.

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