Friday, 5 October 2018

The Top 3 Long Island SEO Advantages Of SSL Certificates

By Rob Sutter

An SSL certificate, for those that aren't in the know, is a form of security that many modern websites are designed with. Also known as a secure sockets layer, this has become one of the must-haves of web design. It's also imperative for those that are looking to make headway from a search engine optimization standpoint. For those that would like to learn more, here are 3 reasons Long Island SEO specialists recommend SSL certificates.

When it comes to the advantages of SSL certificates, the fact that they are used for encryption is most notable. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you log onto a website that sells merchandise. It may ask you for your credit card information so that your transaction can be processed. If the site is SSL-protected, it will have the prefix "https" as opposed to "http." The former is becoming more and more common, as reputable names such as will attest.

Another advantage that an SSL certificate offers is a boost in consumer trust. Anyone that shops online will tell you that security is part and parcel to the shopping experience. What this means is that if they detect that a site is unsafe - and they'll most likely pick up on this immediately - they won't do business with it. When an ecommerce platform has an SSL certificate implemented, it boosts consumer trust, and by proxy, the likelihood of purchases being made.

Finally, and perhaps most notably from an SEO standpoint, an SSL certificate stands the chance of increasing a site's visibility on search engines. Google and other such engines have given more visibility to sites that are secure, which is based on a variety of factors. Suffice to say, an SSL certificate contributes to this, which is why you see more of these sites on the first page than those without this level of protection. If SEO is your goal, this type of website security is a no-brainer.

If you're a website owner, an SSL certificate is paramount. It goes far beyond the boundaries of security, even though this is the primary focus, which is all the more reason to incorporate it. To install an SSL certificate, you can either contact your hosting company to complete the process or do it yourself. The latter is only recommended to those that are knowledgeable about websites in general, so please be mindful of this.

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