Saturday, 21 July 2018

4 Types Of Vlogs Recognized By Long Island Advertising Agencies

By Rob Sutter

If you've been on YouTube or any other form of social media, chances are that you've seen at least a few vlogs. These video blogs have become quite popular in recent years, especially with the popularity of streaming media that has become synonymous with the digital age. Did you know, though, that there are 4 categories that any reputable Long Island advertising agency can recognize? The following categories may encourage you to create such content of your own.

Lifestyle - When it comes to vlogs, this is the category that tends to receive the most presentation. A lifestyle vlog is simple in premise: it takes the viewer into the life of the person creating the video. Everything from sit-down videos to travel logs fall under the lifestyle category. They are engaging because, according to companies such as fishbat, they offer a personal touch that few other types of content can provide.

Unboxing - If you're a fan of toys, comic books, or video games, chances are that you're familiar with this type of vlog. For those that aren't, unboxings are videos that show individuals unwrapping the packaging of whatever it is they purchased. From there, they will offer descriptions and close-ups of their valued items. Depending on your interest in the items being presented, these videos may persuade you to take the plunge and buy them.

Beauty - For those that wish to learn more about makeup, hairstyles, or simply how to take care of oneself from a hygienic standpoint, there are many resources to take advantage of. It can be argued, though, that beauty vlogs are among the most entertaining. Furthermore, they provide educational value to those that have asked the question, "how can I look more like that?" Beauty vlogs encompass various topics as well, which only makes them more invaluable.

Gaming - Whether you're on YouTube, Twitch, or social media in general, you're likely to come across a gaming vlog or two. In fact, many of them take on live streaming formats, which is great for those that desire content in real time. Keep in mind that you must have the right video and audio recording software before you even think about creating a gaming vlog. You must also be able to play certain games competently. If you follow these steps, you'll be good to go.

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