Sunday, 29 April 2018

Internet Marketing Companies: The Video Games That Benefited The Most

By Rob Sutter

Video games are sold due to numerous variables. While it's important for them to be made and reviewed well, it's equally important for them to be effectively promoted to the masses. Internet marketing companies across the board can agree, and some advertising campaigns have been more successful than others. The following cases stand out the most, and chances are that you've heard of these titles already.

One of the most successful advertising campaigns in gaming was for the 2011 title for the 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. While this game would have sold well due to the name alone, it was assisted by commercials starring Robin Williams and his daughter, Zelda. They were received quite well by gamers of all levels. Internet marketing companies can attest to the notion that these commercials helped the game's overall success.

Internet marketing companies can also draw your attention to Mario Kart 8, which was one of the more anticipated Wii U titles. As a matter of fact, its marketing was so strong that it boosted sales of the aforementioned systems by 666%. Needless to say, this racing game made an impressive mark, not only among gamers but advertising enthusiasts as well. Reputable agencies like fishbat would be hard-pressed to disagree.

Another marketing campaign that deserves recognition is the one linked to Just Cause 3. This open-world action game sold well on its own, but the fact that Square Enix, the company behind the game, hosted a contest can't be denied. The reason for this is that the grand prize was a physical private island, which the winner could visit at their leisure. Few gaming-related contests have been as unique, and it's safe to say that it helped the game sell better.

One can go on and on about the marketing campaigns that video games benefited from, but these are a few of the most important ones. They have been able to do everything from tug at one's heartstrings to appeal to their sense of competition. It can be argued that these games would have sold well regardless, which may be true. However, if you have the right promotional campaigns in place, sales can only be helped.

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