Monday, 16 April 2018

Cheap Postcard Printing And Mailing Helps You To Grow Your Real Estate Business

By Sharon Miller

Cards are a nice approach to induce the word out concerning your business. If you are in real estate, missives can become an effective part of your marketing plan. Have a look at the following article taking us through the theme Cheap Postcard Printing and Mailing helps you to grow your real estate business.

For example, a car dealership may target current customers that are due for an oil change. By narrowing down the people, you want to target you can make stretch your marketing budget dramatically. Another nice thing about cards is that the cost of full printing color has been reduced dramatically through advances in technology.

Remember when flat screen TVs were out of the price range of most people, and now they are in every household? Advances in technology reduced the costs of card printing the same way it did televisions in the last five years. Before you start looking for a printer to print your missives, there are few things that are important to take into consideration.

What size and thickness of card? First, what size card would you like to use? The common sizes are 4x6, 5x7, 8.5. X5.5 and 6x9. The benefit of a 4x6 is you get a special rate form the post office called a "card" rate, and that gives you "first class" service at approximately the same price as "standard." Most missive printers use a cover stock of at least 100 cover. 100 cover is the usually 10pt, or 1/100th of an inch. Premium missive printers will usually use a 12pt or 14pt paper for extra durability.

The basic options which are usually used are cheaper to print and still look just as great. Instead of paying for over the top or pricey customized missives, you can print your cards using the standard options for size and color. Your missives will be simplistically and inexpensively attractive. The next thing you should remember when producing the cards is to print the cards in large numbers. The bigger the order of the missives, the more you can tend to reap in discounts per piece.

Be careful, as there are downsides to the online printers-for example, you cannot inspect the product before it's shipped to you. Also, you lose the attention to detail that a local commercial printer may have. A lot of online shops have automated pre-flighting (getting files to print), so if you made a mistake, they might not catch it.

Don't steal/borrow photos: When designing your postcard make sure that you don't use images off of websites unless they are from a royalty-free site like istockphoto. There are two reasons for this. First, your graphics will be a blurry and low resolution. Although they look OK on your screen, you'll be in for a big surprise once you receive your prints because they will look awful.

You may also compare them to make sure you attain the best service. Consulting them and going through their previous work is also possible before going into business with them. Doing so over the internet is cost-effective and can be done quickly. If you remember these strategies, you are sure to be able to print your postcards easily and quickly while saving a great deal of money.

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