Tuesday 29 August 2017

Learn More About Asset Labeling

By Kenneth Murphy

Basically, labels are used on assets to identify them using a bar code or a unique serial number. In most cases the materials used for these labels are laminated polyester or an anodized aluminum. The commonly used designs for these tags are company logos, as well as a border that has contrast to the equipment. However, barcodes are used in asset labeling to enhance data entry and minimize errors in the entry fields.

Due to dynamism in assets formation and sizes, these tags also have changed in order to fit in each and every aspect, style, shape or size. Mobile equipment, small but valuable or even important but less valuable equipment have increased. Therefore tags of different nature such as tamper proof have been made in order to fit each and every field.

These tags are no longer used for identification alone but they are also used for other reasons such as tracking. Due to advancement in technology, they have now come up with techniques that help in tracking system and activities. This makes sure that if the equipment is stored in the wrong place, it will be retrieved to its right storage place.

In stores management and asset financing, inventory control is very crucial. These labels are used in these activities in order to value the asset worth of a person. These labels play a very important role when carrying activities such as asset auditing. When it comes to theft cases, they act as security agencies since after successful tracking, the asset will be retrieved back.

Due to the effectiveness of these tags, even assets that are of less importance to an organization tend to be tagged. This is because the costs associated with obtaining new ones when these are lost becomes expensive as compared to the cost of labeling. When it comes to ownership verification, they become very effective because the owners have different ways and unique tracking systems.

These tags also come with different color codes. This makes it simpler and easier to classify the assets or equipment that can be yours. They are used to separate between different uses and classifications of tools. In case of mix-up, it becomes easier to identify as compared to barcodes where reading the codes will take a lot of time.

On the other hand, bar codes offer machine readable recording, error-free, and prevention of manual transcription errors that are caused by humans. These bar codes are usually necessary and valuable for educational and business institutions with diversified inventories of physical assets that require monitoring, tracking, and maintenance.

Customers in this case benefit a lot as they do not have to spend their time waiting for identification of what they need. The price is tagged also and incorporated in the barcode therefore monetary calculations are direct from the reader. This reduces any waste of time as well as preventing overcharging by some attendants as well as preventing stealing. This also benefits the organization by realizing much profit.

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