Friday, 2 June 2017

What Makes Moldavite So Special And Sought After?

By Christine Bailey

Meteors crashing to earth are not just the subject of today's science fiction movies. They are all too real occurrences. Most are not significant enough to cause any particular damage. Others have altered the course of history, and one caused the eventual extinction of dinosaurs. Today they can be predicted with some accuracy. This was not true millions of years ago of course, when major meteors made direct contact with the earth. Moldavite is the result of one such event.

Some people believe this substance is part of the meteor, but it isn't. The meteor was the source of this tektite, which was created from drops of liquid that splashed back onto the earth's surface after the impact. The drops became solids as they cooled, and over millions of years worked themselves into the surrounding sand and soil. It's actually a form of natural glass, or tektite. The texture of individual pieces depends on they where are mined. The wetter the ground, the more deeply etched the glass will be.

Many believe the Holy Grail is a cup. Still others think that it was a cup made from emerald that fell from the sky. Tektite aficionados argue that the Holy Grail was an emerald colored object that fell from the sky. Since this tektite originated from a meteor that fell from the sky and is green, it follows that the Grail is this glass. Stories about falling stones that vanish and must be found to transform the earth are common throughout the world.

When holding a piece of the glass, some people report feeling a strange sensation in their chests, and their faces may get red. This flushed appearance has become so common, people have named it. A lightheaded feeling and dizziness are other effects of the tektite for certain individuals. Although stories float around on the internet that the glass is evil, but has actually been worn for thousands of years as a talisman against evil.

Some people wear it for its professed physical, emotional, and spiritual healing qualities. For those interested in chakras, the glass is said to open all of them. It is most closely associated with the heart. People hold it during healing sessions for a sense of inner peace and well being.

Investing in the gemstone can be a good idea if you have been able to obtain a piece of considerable size. Anything over twenty grams is considered desirable. Large pieces are housed in museums and private collections throughout the world. Such rare items will only increase in value.

The rarest and most prized glass comes from Besednice in the Czech Republic. Some of the pieces are so thin and delicate, it is hard to believe someone could actually pull them out of clay pits without destroying them. Their intricate etchings are the result of centuries living at the water table. Besednice is no longer mined.

It is not surprising that much of the natural glass offered for sale in shops and online is fake. The true glass comes only from the Czech Republic. It can be fun, though, to think you are wearing an extraterrestrial gemstone around your neck.

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