Tuesday 6 June 2017

Tips For Handling A Rolling Walker Safely

By Michelle Olson

Although most people don't think of walkers as dangerous pieces of equipment, they can be a hazard if the operator is new to using one or is careless with it. Broken bones, crashes, and concussions have occurred because a rolling walker was not being handled properly. Whenever you are around people using walkers, you should give them enough space to maneuver. Those operating the equipment have to use it safely and wisely.

If the equipment is not adjusted to your height, you will either have to bend over to use it correctly or have your arms in an uncomfortable position. Ideally walkers should be at wrist height when your arms are hanging loosely at your sides. Holding onto it while walking beside it is not how it was intended to be used. Although it is sometimes tempting to look down, you should stand as straight as possible and watch where you're going.

When you are walking with a piece of equipment in front of you, it can be difficult to see something lying on the floor or ground immediately in your path. This is especially true when you are outside. The ground can be uneven, and there can be cracks and holes in pavement. Inside you have to be careful of area rugs that can move or bunch when you try to drive over them. Some doorways have strips that can trip you up if you don't see them.

People who wear glasses and hearing aids need to use them with walkers. When you enter or leave a room, be sure to look both ways so you don't accidentally run into someone with your walker. It could cause serious injury. If you are in line, you need to keep a healthy distance between you and the person in front of you. Getting in a hurry could cause you to fall, even with the walker.

Walkers are like everything else, the parts can wear out or break. You should check the wheels for debris you might have picked up. The rubber tips on the legs will eventually become worn and have to be replaced. If the seat isn't secure, it should be tightened until it is.

Walkers are not ladders, and you shouldn't climb on them. They are also not wheelchairs. They are not intended as vehicles for one person to push while another rides. They can, and will, tip over if they are used improperly. Too many packages or grocery bags may also cause them to become unsteady and topple over.

People who use walkers should use some common sense when they park them. Walkers should never block aisles in public places. In the case of an emergency, they will be a problem. It is a good idea to let a waiter stash your equipment in a safe place while you're dining. He or she can retrieve it for you when you are ready to leave.

Whoever invented walkers did a great service for people with mobility issues. Unlike a wheelchair, walkers allow individuals to stand and move around. They can get some exercise and have a degree of independence at the same time.

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