Saturday, 5 November 2016

Reasons To Choose A Fixed Blade Camping Knife Instead

By Stephen Martin

There is a charm about collecting things. People have their own preferences and while some prefer to collect more decorative stuff, others collect things with practical uses. There are many knife enthusiasts around the world. These tools are useful for many things especially for outdoor activities like camping and hunting.

Knives are a staple to these trips since you may need to use them for cutting ropes, or slicing meat for cooking. There has always been an argument for whether the best ones to bring for camping out are the folding or fixed ones. For those that love to go hiking and other outdoor activities, this may be an important matter. Fixed blade camping knife choices are vital to make sure that any job can be done properly.

Most would argue that the folders are more efficient because they can be easily concealed, compact and just really cool looking. But if you go out and use it for practical things, you might find that using the fixed one is more comfortable and can let you do the job without worrying of any hinges giving in and breaking. The main benefit of the blades with not foldable parts is how you can exert full force to do different tasks.

Digging a hole in the ground which you may need to do during gardening can be done without the worry of getting dirt on the screws and hinges. Cleaning is fast and very straight forward. Other tasks that this can do better are piercing through tough stuff, twisting and pulling. Since some people are very meticulous about their things, you can assure that heavy duty usage would not be a problem here.

The sharp area is also longer than that of folders. The overall length is not really something that allows you to carry it in a pocket but there are always other compartments you can put it in. This is why the fixed knives do better when used in outdoor settings than in other places. It is only in these situations that you are more likely to need a durable knife anyway.

The best usefulness of the folding blades is maximized in the city, where knives are needed but have to look less threatening. Carrying a full blade around looks very violent and may scare people away and cause unnecessary panic. Still, you cannot deny that if the situation calls it, the tool can be of good use in many situations.

Like mentioned earlier it is simpler and more safe to do outdoor tasks with a fixed knife than one that folds. The only accident that can possibly happen is not being careful and cutting yourself with the sharp edge. There is no need to worry about the blade accidentally folding if you exert too much force. It is also less likely that the sharp end would get removed from the handle since it is already embedded with the handle itself.

Messy jobs like uprooting plants and other gardening tasks maybe possible with a folder but the maintenance would be hellish. The blade may dull a little but with the sturdier option, you are guaranteed that making the blade sharp again would be simpler. There are options of opting for ones with bigger or smaller blades. Rest assured the job can still be done but success vary on the strength used.

Knives will always post a hazard, but like it has been true since the beginning of mankind, there will always be a need for it. It helps with survival and dire situations that can happen anytime, so it would be best to keep one near you. Get one that is fixed and folded, they both have advantages that the other does not have.

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