Saturday 23 August 2014

Check List For School: Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, Dual USB Wall Charger

By Johny Jacson

Cellphone and gadget chargers may be the most important accessory needed by every young teenager and professional that's tech-savvy, always on the go and updated with the current trends in technology.

Gone are the days of regular books, notebooks, and pens, and here come the tablets, phones, and laptops among others. Staying in dorm rooms is convenient for them to be near their schools, but these rooms only have a few outlets which are often reserved for appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners.

However, a problem with some people is their constant need to replace their chargers. You know why? Because they keep getting broken. Some just don't charge anymore while some will give you the idea that it charges and then takes hours to fully charge any gadget. This is why it is important to always take care of your dual USB wall charger.

Using a specific kind or brand of device will require its specially designed charger that is often exclusive for that brand. Sometimes smart phone chargers are not compatible with tablets of the same brand.

It tends to become unpractical for users because using many different chargers could consume a lot of electricity, not to mention the availability of electrical outlets. Most of the time, one has to compromise by unplugging appliances just to give way to their battery-drained gadgets.

Some gadget developers have tried improving their chargers in appearance and handiness by releasing chargers in different shapes and sizes. However, the innovation in design and the innovation in function did not improve a bit. Some chargers were too big for the outlets and they became a trouble inside the house and office, even for people on the go. The improvement on that was the foldable prongs which makes packing easier.

Second, in taking your dual USB wall charger with you, always place it in the middle and not on the bottom or front portion of your bag. This is especially true for people who are sloppy with their bags and things. Especially to boys who tend to treat their bags as basketball and seems to like the idea of throwing their bags around.

There's no more discrimination between Apple and non-Apple products, or between big and small items. When not in use, the charger's prongs are foldable, making it compact and easy to store.

Finally, the last, effective way and also a safety precaution in taking care of your charger is by avoiding wet areas. Liquid can cause your charger to short circuit and it may even lead to fire and other unwanted results.

The dual USB wall charger is light and small, suitable for roaming users who are always outdoors. People won't have to look for the device's assigned charger among the sea of chargers and wires. All they have to bring along is one universal dual USB wall charger and USB cables.

ot a lot of dual USB wall chargers have the capacity to charge two high-power requiring devices at the same time, and not a lot of dual USB wall chargers have the capacity to charge on full speed without splitting the power current for each device plugged in.

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